Saturday, February 1, 2014

Just write

Hello, Friends, Family, and Acquaintances!-

                             There's always stress in my life, but now it seems more so than usual. What does one DO to relieve stress, and what is the cause of such stress? Minus the fact that I'm a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD BOY, for g-d's sake!! I am a hormonal explosion just WAITING to happen. The only way I can relieve hormones is when I gi... You don't want to know that, do you? (insert gratuitous sex joke here). What is stress, and what causes it? To me, stress is the feeling of paranoia, and anxiety, mixed into one. What, however causes that feeling? For me, several things.
  • Grades
  • Written Music 
  • Girls (of course!)
  • The feeling that people hate me
  • Social Life
Now could I touch upon each one of those subjects? I can of course!! Do you want me to? No?!?! I will anyways.

Grades- It seems to people that I don't care about my grades. I will admit, I don't work as much as I could. but grades are stressful. especially when middle school didn't give me such good tools to use when studying. I will admit, like anything else, it takes time. But when you are impatient like I am, when you want something, you want it NOW, not later!

Written Music- I HATE WRITTEN MUSIC! Don't get me wrong, It is ESSENTIAL to musicianship, but REALLY? I can't STAND written music, especially written dixieland. Dixieland and Jazz in general, are supposed to be LIBERATING! You learn a head, and you make up backgrounds. THAT IS HOW JAZZ MUST WORK! It is MY NUMBER ONE Pet peeve when people WRITE DIXIELAND CHARTS! Musicals don't know how to write dixieland charts. They get the job, and the point across, it's just...YOU DON'T WRITE DIXIELAND IN THE KEY OF B MAJOR. I'M TALKING TO YOU, RALPH BURNS! If I could count the amount of times I play jazz/dixieland clarinet in a day, it'd be WELL in the 100's, or somewhere close to that. I will tell ya, I am a jazz purist. I believe in a 24 piece big band, a 3 horned dixie band, which means Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, and an OPTIONAL saxophone.

Girls- LONG LIPS, FINGERTIPS! Sorry, had to get the Motley Crue reference out the way early. I am NOT the type of guy girls would look over twice. But, I am the last guy to get in a relationship, and the first one to get dumped. The fact that I'm a ventriloquist doesn't help my case. Neither does my 4 year old snake. I have a four year old snake. She isn't even half way through her life yet. The quickest relationship I've ever been in... 8 seconds... NO LIE. THIS CHICK FREAKING STALKS ME FOR FIVE MONTHS AND THEN WHEN I ASK HER OUT, SHE SAYS YES, AND THEN BREAKS UP WITH ME 8 SECONDS LATER.

The Hate-I have an aching feeling that 5 people hate me. 2 have told me they don't, 2 might just be acting like brother figures, and I just don't know it, since I had no abusive brother figure in my life. and 1,,, she'sjust been a cold hearted female dog to me ever since the first day we met. she looks at me like I have four heads, like I'm the devil reincarnated. news for you, sister, you can't make me change

Social Life- I'm not going to try

That's it. That's all

Now, I'm going to go to bed, I guess. NIGHT AND SLEEP TIGHT